Chris, Grace, Kathryn, and Hannah
Blairlee and Kathryn
The new cousins - Hannah and Grace
In front - Grace and Kathryn
Back row - Courtney (cousin from SC), Blairlee and Morgan (aunt from CA)
Our family
Front row - Grace, Kathryn, Hannah
Middle row - Karen (Chris' mom), Chris, Blairlee, Judylee (Blairlee's mom), Amanda (Blairlee's sister)
Back row - David (Chris' dad), Katie (Chris' sister), J.D. (Chris' brother), Bruce (Blairlee's dad) and Woody (Amanda's husband)
Praying with Rev. DeLong before the ceremony
Hannah and Grace - the flower girls
Kathryn and Blairlee walking down the aisle
Rev. and Mrs. Christopher D. Owens
Chris, Blairlee and Rev. Ed DeLong